Titwrench x Witch Collective
October 2021 Festival
Herbal Offerings
Herbal Tea & Tisane $7.77 - $15
Fumee Te - $7.77 sm - $12 lg
Early Grace - $7.77 sm - $12 lg
Karibe Chai - $9.99 sm - $15 lg
Coco Rosey - $9.99 sm - $15 lg
Herbal Smokes $10 - $24
Solo Loose Blend - $10
Pre Rolls Only - $18
Pre Rolls & Drinkable Loose Tea - $24
Sweet Drops $7.77 - $17
Bleumarin - $12
Hibiscus Ginger - $7.77 sm - $12 lg
Heart + Soul - $12 lg - $17 lg elixir
Ke Jardin - $12
SWAG SET & More $13.33
FALL S.O.S. & More $23.33
JasMint Tisane - Alfalfa, Jasmine, Mint
Ke Jardin glycerite included. Ingredients are here: https://www.premye.rocks/blends
Premye Half Apron $15.33
Premye Full Apron $23.33
Premye Tee & More $33.33
Small sample of Ke Jardin glycerite included. Ingredients are here: https://www.premye.rocks/blends
*a portion of all kit proceeds will be donated to Hope for Haiti (mutual aid based in Les Cayes, Ayiti) and The Gathering Place (daytime shelter in Denver, CO).