premye is becoming kreyoli

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Thin Veil Thoughts & Farewell to Fall

The below is a fuller version of my November 2020 Newsletter update.

In our last month of Fall and the height of Spooky Season, I feel like so many of my witchier friends whose paths follow nature, ancestry, and intentional energy work practices… We quietly work our magick all year, but in the late fall, we all show out! That's because in all practices, religious or otherwise, we follow natural cycles. So in this season of thin veils, happy prayers for harvest blessings, and turning in to honor home and hearths, I want to honor both my ancestors and my teachers in my work with Premye and life!

This newsletter is dedicated to my grandmother. She was my first example of an entrepreneurial spirit, having come with me to this country in 1983. I knew her to be a mother, a wife, a grandmother, a church elder, and a small business woman in at least four guises. All of that helped her bring her six children to the States… a lifetime later her 20 grand + great grandchildren live across three nations but still interact regularly.
To say that I love my grandmother is an understatement; I'm thrilled that my work with premye as well as my spirituality has me walking closer to her than ever.

It's interesting to talk about this now, a day before an already contentious election, while lots of my circles are talking about decolonization - hopefully especially for white folx who have such rich lineages outside of the last 400 or so years in the US as we now know it.

Everyone can and should learn about their ancestral indigenous practices and can be served by, and serve others by, integrating those rich histories into current practices.

What I want to say here is that despite tomorrow's events [omg one last prayer that we 'win' this battle and continue to fight the war against oppression and injustice] is that I'm just hella excited for November. My partner's birthday is later this month, it's officially knitting season, and most of all as a homebody I get to really indulge into seasonal creature comforts like hot toddy tisanes, and cold weather smoke sessions....

It’s seasonally appropriate and I’d like to pause also for a spot of thanks: after a month of holding space for premye's launch two years ago, I want to spotlight the guides, helpers, and amazing friends I've been fed by in this passion project. I'm honored to be in real life community with folx like Sterling Moon Tarot, The Blu Saint, Urania Universe, Moonlight Offerings, Davidia Turner, Laksmi abd Natasha and my Satya Yoga Coop fam, Bev at Mobetta Greens, Faatma & so many other folx here in Denver. Not to mention the Triple Goddess GOATs at Rosehouse Botanicals, RitualCravt, and Alchemy Ritual Goods… whose shops have felt like home since I arrived in Denver looking for adventure and purpose five years ago.

For such a solitary practitioner, ne independent thinker, this experiment and homecoming into herbalism has taught me the value of finding and fitting yourself to community while growing into your own presence.

My prayer - it's taken me embarrassingly long to reclaim that word and the act - is that you folx find and fit in your local and virtual communities as well! ALL of my communities - crafty, witchy, herbalist, diaspora, and activist - all inform what I do w' Premye to bring small dose self care further into community support and collective care…. Beyond the phsyics of how working with natural elements like fire, water, plants and intention can bring us both peace and physical well being… I'm happy to grow Premye into more spaces of deeper communion with community and our local natural spaces.

I'm humbled for all the community engagement I've had thus far - check my Premye Path page for the beginnings of that catalog of work and am looking forward to more of! Please contact me with your project ideas! Anyway, while the veil is thin and the folks who've helped me are digging into their own work - srsly check them all out esp denver folx at the links I shared above, knowing each offers virtual ways to engage w' their work. It's time for shadow work and walking in your truth in the dark… let that truth be your light. We will make it through!

Cheers my dears,

Kim C.